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Fresh Law, New Opportunities!


It's no secret, the legal profession is undergoing a metamorphosis, fueled by technology and fresh innovation.

Firms that do not provide better, faster, cheaper and transparent legal services are crashing, replaced by savvy boutiques that are nimble and swift and Big Law firms that embrace the inflection points. The near future is exciting, with the convergence of Big Data and artificial intelligence.

The Cowen Group helps legal professionals understand, predict and capitalize on these developments, to advance and accelerate their organizations and their careers. We are launching three new "think tanks" to explore the evolving landscape through the lenses of Big Law, mid-sized practices, corporate counsel and government.

We are seeking three smart, savvy program managers who are passionate about our industry and want to help shape its future.

The three areas are:

Government Sector: E-Discovery, Big Data and Information Governance. Issues: Managing with limited budgets and personnel; best practices; opportunities for collaboration with other agencies; security requirements and more.

Fresh Law—Renovation: Evolving best practices in Big Law and corporations as they confront new technology, tight budgets and demanding external and internal clients.

Machine Intelligence/Robotics: The impact of machine intelligence, robotics, and data analytics on the business of law.

We want to hire three passionate, curious and pragmatic people who have experience moderating, facilitating and managing events and programs (both virtual and in person) and creating content (blog posts, videos, social media, etc.) around the events. Experience in the legal community is ideal. Visit The Cowen Group's Events Page for more information.

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