W2K Launches a New Workshop Series on May 12th in Washington DC!
Women to Know Launches their Third Workshop Series
“What’s Your Story, What’s Your Pitch” on May 12th in Washington DC
Do you wish you had a confident and compelling introduction? Women to Know will kick off their third workshop series in Washington DC on Thursday, May 12th at The City Club of Washington. This workshop - “What’s your Story, What’s your Pitch” will help women create a clear and confident pitch that will generate respect, credibility and interest in your background and accomplishments aka “your professional commercial”.
While men often brag about their accomplishments when introducing themselves, many women tend to be understated, shy and conservative. For women, this dynamic can be a barrier to achieving success in business.
Kenya Dixon, Assistant Director, Division of Litigation Technology and Analysis at Federal Trade Commission and David Cowen, President of The Cowen Group will host the W2K workshop event to address this challenge and help women find their voices that gain respect, credibility and interest.
A small number of our New York City Women to Know recently workshopped this topic at ACEDS on April 18th and we have received amazing feedback.
“What’s Your Story, What’s Your Pitch” will be workshopped in DC, LA, SF, Chicago, NYC, LegalTech West and ILTA. Email kaitlin@cowengroup.com to request an invitation to an upcoming event!